Social media marketing has become a prominent part of any business. And Instagram has turned out to be a key tool for any eCommerce business. With more than 1.393 billion active users every month, this platform has become a robust marketing channel for small businesses around the world. These days a lot of people are making money by just starting a business, let alone on Instagram. If your business idea is creative and you have the knowledge to back it up, your idea is most likely to sell. It is important to have an organized plan of what you want to do and how you will stand out from the rest of the businesses.

In this article, we have provided a list of the best Instagram business ideas you can take inspiration from. Be it to expand your business, earn an additional source of income, or start a completely new career, almost anyone can make use of these ideas.

List of 33 Best Instagram Business Ideas in India

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing
Affiliate Marketing Illustration

You can start affiliate marketing on Instagram and earn money through it. Affiliate marketing, in simple words, is earning money by promoting products or services of another brand. When promoting affiliate products, you will receive a unique link, often referred to as an affiliate link, that you can share with your followers. You can share these links on your Instagram story, Instagram bio, or through the Instagram shopping feature.

When your followers click on the affiliate link and make a purchase, a percentage of the purchase amount is given to you as a commission. This commission will be your earnings.

Starting an affiliate marketing business can seem difficult at first, but when you have earned the trust of your audience, you can easily promote products and earn money.

2. Become Social Media a Photographer


Instagram is all about visuals. Hence, if you have the skills, you can start a photography business on Instagram. You can start a photography business by becoming a social media photographer. Social media photographers associate with other business owners for photoshoots. And therefore, provide these business owners with content for their Instagram accounts.

3. Product Photographer

You can also start a product photography business on Instagram. Business owners can get product photoshoots done and then use them on their website and social media to market the products.

4. Event Photographer

You can become an event photographer and collaborate with different brands or organizations to click pictures at their event according to their requirements. Showcase your best pictures from the events you have done recently to attract potential clients and new followers.

5. Stock Photographer

Travel and make money by becoming a stock photographer. You can travel and take pictures which you can then sell to marketing agencies and stock photography websites for a profit.

6. Social Media Marketing Manager

social media manager
Social Media apps logo

By becoming a social media marketing manager, you can work with other businesses and help them connect to their potential customers by creating and implementing marketing strategies. As a social media marketing manager, you would be responsible for writing and planning posts, creating marketing campaigns, and responding to comments and messages.

As a ton of small businesses struggle in implementing the right marketing strategies so as social media managers you can induce them you use your paid services by presenting them with exclusive marketing tips on your Instagram.

7. Influencer

Instagram Influencer

Becoming an influencer is a popular Instagram business idea. An influencer is an individual who can influence the purchase decision of their audience through their content.

To become an influencer on Instagram, you need to first decide on a niche that you are passionate about and then start creating content around it. Make sure that your content is unique and resonates with the audience you are targeting.

Brands nowadays are always on the lookout to collaborate with influencers due to their huge number of followers. This helps the brand to reach out to a wider audience that can be their potential customer.

Once you have gathered enough followers, you can connect with brands to promote their products and earn money for doing it. You can earn by either doing paid promotions or getting a certain percentage of any sales made by using the personalized coupon code you have provided to your followers.

8. E-commerce Seller

ecommerce seller
E-commerce seller

You can also become an e-commerce seller on Instagram. With Instagram’s β€˜buy’ button, you can sell directly on Instagram. If your intent is to sell products online, you can start your own store on Instagram and find potential customers directly through Instagram.

This is one of the best online business ideas if you want to sell handicrafts, second-hand products, digital art, fashion items, or any other products.

9. Photoshoot Stylist

If you have a knack for styling people and products, then you can become a photoshoot stylist on Instagram. You can associate with brands for styling their products during the product photoshoot or with influencers who need help in styling their photoshoot.

To get started as a photo shoot stylist, showcase the best work on your Instagram account. And target your potential clients.

10. Makeup Artist

makeup stylist
Makeup Artist

Becoming a makeup artist is one of the business ideas that you can start on Instagram. You can start by posting makeup tutorials for various looks like natural makeup, evening makeup, prom makeup, bridal makeup, and so on. Once you have grown your authority, you can provide your services for events and get paid.

11. Hair Stylist

hair stylist
Hair Stylist

You can also become a hairstylist if you love experimenting with different hairstyles. You can leverage your business by using Instagram. You can start by posting videos of different hairstyles you are creating for yourself, and then as you start getting clients, you can post their pictures as well.

12. Graphic Designer

graphic designer
Graphic Designer

Another Instagram business idea that is also one of the easiest online business ideas for students is starting your career as a graphic designer. You need to invest a little in photo editing software and Instagram marketing services to begin. Although you can also use free photo editing apps. To make your graphics stand out from others, make sure to that your creative is unique, eye-catching, and has a long-lasting effect on the user. Once you have established yourself as an expert in your field, you can then offer your services to brands and organizations and earn money.

13. Become an Entertainer 

You can start an Instagram entertainment business if you are someone who loves to perform. Instagram is a great way to showcase your talent while bringing delight to your daily lives. Most Popular Instagram entertainment business ideas include musicians, dancers, comedians, singers, and magicians.

14. DIY Crafts

DIY Crafts
DIY Project in making

If you love doing DIY crafts, why not turn them into a business and earn money? You can post tutorials and DIY projects on your Instagram account and help your audience learn new techniques. After you have proven yourself as an expert in your field, then you can associate with brands that deal in supplies needed for your projects.

You can also use this platform for marketing the products that you create and sell online.

15. Copywriting


If you have a passion for writing, then becoming a copywriter can be your thing. When you are starting as a copywriter, you can post your best work on Instagram and grow your audience. It is important to post well-written copies that are optimized for Instagram.

As a copywriter, you can offer your services in any industry where there is marketing and advertising. By doing this, you can help brands and individuals achieve their marketing objectives by writing captivating headlines and coming up with words that sell. You can write Instagram captions, ad campaigns, filler posts, etc.

16. Videographer


While Instagram is primarily a photo-sharing app, videos are also getting a lot of attention these days on it. By starting a business on Instagram as a videographer, you can help brands and individuals record special occasions and events and earn money.  

You can make use of the Instagram reels feature and showcase clips of the videos you have recorded. Instagram reels can help you reach a wider audience and potential clients.  

17. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is another popular business idea that you can start on Instagram. Dropshipping is a type of order fulfillment method that does not require you to keep an inventory of the items you are selling. So, when a customer purchases a product listed on your eCommerce page, the order is directly forwarded to the manufacturer, who then packs and ships the item to the customer.

You can list as many products as you want on your page but only pay for the items that are sold. By starting a dropshipping business, you don’t have to worry about keeping inventory or storage costs.

You can advertise the products listed on your Instagram page to reach a wider audience who can be your potential customers.

18. Business Coach

You can also start a coaching business on Instagram wherein you can offer your services as a Busines coach help people achieve the goals they are striving for. You can offer general consulting services to other businesses. By using Instagram, you can gain the credibility of your potential clients and share your knowledge with them

19. Life coach

As a life coach, you can use Instagram to offer life tips and advice. Sharing posts and in-depth videos to give more detailed information. You can promote your posts which will help reach out to more people who can use your services.

20. Fitness coach

If you have a passion for health, wellness, or nutrition and the qualifications to back up your knowledge, you can think about becoming a fitness coach on Instagram. As a fitness coach, you can share your expertise in this area by making videos on different exercises, diet advice, and motivational content.

21. Online Educator

If you have knowledge about a specific topic, you can start an Instagram business around it. As an online educator, you can provide short lessons and tutorials through your Instagram page.

22. Calligrapher

If you have a flair for calligraphy, you can turn it into a business through Instagram. You can sell prints, do custom work, or do tutorials on how to do calligraphy. You can work with brands and individuals to create handwritten menus, wedding invitations, branded content, and logo design.

You can promote your products and services on Instagram, which will help you get more attention to your business.

23. Animator

Animation in making

If doing animation is what you love, then you can turn your hobby into a business and earn money from it. You can start a page on Instagram and start posting your work on it. You can even promote your work by running ads. Once you have gained enough followers, you can offer your services and connect with brands.

24. Nutritionist

Nutritionists making a diet plan

Becoming a nutritionist is one of the popular Instagram business ideas. On your Instagram page, you can talk about healthy eating and lifestyle choices. By being a nutritionist, you can help people become the best versions of themselves. You can even start an online course to help people with their goals.

25. Motivational Speaker

motivational speaker
Motivational Speaker

If you like to inspire people with your words, you can become a motivational speaker on Instagram. Many people use the platform to improve their lives. As a motivational speaker, you can share quotes, videos of popular sayings, or your own words to gain a huge following.

You can gain fame as a motivational speaker. Later on, you can organize webinars to connect with your audience and earn through sponsored posts and affiliate shoutouts.

In addition to this, we would also recommend you to check our latest blog, where we have mentioned some of the most popular YouTube Business Ideas, which can be easily started with minimal investment. Do have a look and let us know if you find it helpful.

26. Instagram Consultant

While an Instagram manager performs the same duty as a social media marketing manager, an Instagram Consultant plays in a different league. A consultant’s day-to-day job includes understanding the algorithm of the platform and advising businesses, celebrities and influencers on what they should do to gain better traction on the platform in return for a commission. An Instagram Consultant does the job that comes right before that of an Instagram Manager.

27. Reseller

reseller illustration
Reseller Illustration

The reseller business is blowing up in India and worldwide. People are highly interested in limited edition, vintage clothing, footwear, accessories and many other products. A reseller generally creates contact with suppliers to provide customers with these products. Instagram is a ripe ground for your reselling business to scale easily and fast enough. You can also display your products in the form of an Instagram storefront or sell products through DMs and Stories.

28. Product Reviewer

product reviewer illustration
Product Reviewer Illustration

Product reviews are no longer limited to YouTube. Due to people’s fast-paced lives, they want to know about a new product in the least amount of time possible. Instagram Reels can play a huge role for any person who likes to test out products and write/talk about them. You can review movies, technology, automobiles, etc. and provide a sleek and clear picture to your viewers in less than 90 seconds.

Are you interested in discovering the ins and outs of using Instagram Reels? We’ve got you covered with our newly released guide! Inside, we share valuable insights on how you can actually earn some extra cash by making the most of Instagram Reels. Do have a look.

29. Memes and Pop Culture Specialist

There is no denying the fact that most people browse Instagram for memes and funny content. Trying out memes is good if you can tickle people’s stomachs with your banters and humour. Another category that comes under this arena would be pop culture specialists. You must have seen pages like ScoopWhoop, The Indian Idiot, The Digital Playlist etc., which have gained a huge follower base by just talking about different trends and upcoming content in the entertainment industry.

30. Video Editor

Video Editor Illustration
Video Editor Illustration

Instagram can be a great place for budding video editors and cinematographers to show off their skills. You can create professional edits of your favourite movies, web series, and TV shows or create vlogs to show off your skill and can then leverage the following you build to gain paid projects.

31. Web Designer

Web Designer Illustration
Web Designer Illustration

Most people’s interactions with websites are visually enticing. Web designers can share their most beautiful creations on Instagram. It is best to utilize every Instagram feature to demonstrate the interactivity of your creations. For example, You can show different website sections to Instagram users as a carousel post. You can use videos to display more playful interactions as well.

32. Tattoo Artist

tattoo artist
Tattoo Artist

If you wanted a tattoo in the old days, you had to visit a tattoo parlour and read through a real book to determine whether the artist was a suitable match for your vision. However, social media sites like Instagram have changed how a customer would go about making their choice for a tattoo artist. Share your most intricate work on Instagram and create a feed that suits your inking style.

33. Makeover Specialist

Now, this one is a broad concept. Many Instagram accounts earn good business and income by refurbishing and renovating old products for their customers. These people specialize in cleaning one’s old products, reconditioning them and providing them with a new look. Most famous makeover-worthy products include sneakers, hoodies, t-shirts, jeans, houses, automobiles etc. Check out @sneakersseni to know what we are talking about.

What makes an Instagram Business Idea Successful?

Several factors contribute to the success of an Instagram business idea. Here are some key elements to consider:

1. Unique Value Proposition

Your business idea should provide something unique and beneficial to your target market. Determine a market gap or a specific problem that your product or service can answer.

2. Clear Target Audience

Define your target audience and understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. Tailor your content and messaging to resonate with them, building a loyal following.

3. Compelling Visual Branding

Instagram is a visual platform, so investing in high-quality and visually appealing content is crucial. Develop a cohesive and consistent visual brand identity that reflects your business’s personality and values.

4. Engaging Content Strategy

Create a content strategy that aligns with your target audience’s interests and preferences. Deliver valuable and engaging content regularly, including images, videos, captions, and Stories, to captivate and connect with your followers.

5. Authenticity and Storytelling

Share your brand story authentically to build trust and emotional connections with your audience. Use storytelling techniques to humanize your business, highlight your values, and engage followers on a deeper level.

6. Consistent and Active Presence

Regularly update your Instagram profile with fresh content to stay top of mind with your audience. Consistency is critical to building brand awareness and attracting new followers.

7. Effective Use of Hashtags

Utilize relevant and popular hashtags to increase your content’s discoverability. Research and use a mix of industry-specific and trending hashtags to expand your reach and attract new followers.

8. Strong Community Engagement

Engage with your followers by promptly responding to comments, direct messages, and mentions. Build a community by fostering meaningful conversations, running contests, and collaborating with influencers or other businesses.

9. Data-driven Approach

Monitor your Instagram analytics to gain insights into what content resonates most with your audience. Use this data to refine your strategy, identify trends, and optimize your content for better results.

10. Collaborations and Partnerships

Collaborate with other Instagram users, influencers, or complementary businesses to expand your reach and tap into new audiences. Partnerships can help you gain exposure and credibility, especially when aligned with your brand values.

Why Should You Consider Starting a Business on Instagram?

1. Popular Platform: With over 1 billion users, Instagram is the 4th most used social media platform, which gives an opportunity to entrepreneurs who want to start a business on this platform.

2. Expanding Existing Business: You can open an Instagram business account and set up shop on it with the products that your existing business sells and start creating content around it. You can also use Instagram in combination with your existing website. You can share offers, discounts, sales, and more.

3. Begin a New Career: If you want to make a change in your career but you are scared that you are going to lose a ton of money & time and not achieve the desired results, then starting a business on Instagram can be the right option for you. You can create a business account for free and start posting unique content around your business.  

Besides this, you can share appealing pictures and use hashtags to connect with people who would be interested in what you are offering.

4. Extra Source of Income: You can also start a part-time business on Instagram just for an extra source of income. All you need is a little enthusiasm and creativity to kickstart your side business. First, you can begin with free content and then eventually do paid content as you grow your audience.

What is an Instagram Business Account?

In the vibrant world of Instagram, an Instagram business account is like a power-packed tool for businesses, brands, and public figures looking to make their mark. It’s a specialized account designed to showcase their products, services, or personal brand in the most captivating way possible.
With an Instagram business account, you unlock a treasure trove of features and tools that cater specifically to your business needs, allowing you to engage with your audience like never before. It’s your gateway to building a strong online presence, connecting with your target market, and sharing your unique story in a visually stunning and impactful manner.

How to Create a Business Account on Instagram

To start a successful Instagram business, every person needs a business account. So, here is our comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you create an attractive Instagram Business account.

  1. Create an Instagram Account: An Instagram Business account is not set up differently than a personal account. One has to create a personal account, which one can later convert into a public account. A public account can be of two types – creator and business.
  2. Make your account Public: Now that you have set up your Instagram account, you can turn it into a public account by going to β€˜Settings’ and changing your β€˜Privacy’ settings.
  3. Set up your Professional Account: Under the Settings tab, click on the ‘Account’ button. Under different choices, click on the β€˜Switch to Professional Account’ and tap β€˜Continue’.
  4. Select Category: Now that you have switched to a professional account, you can choose what profession you will be practising on Instagram. There are different options like artist, editor, musician and much more. For us, the category is β€˜Business’ or β€˜Entrepreneur’. Tap β€˜Done’ and click β€˜OK’.
  5. Enter Contact Details: New businesses must be available through contact numbers, emails or websites, so enter your details so potential customers can get in touch. You can also choose not to display your contact details on your profile page. Now your business page is ready!
  6. Finishing Touch: After following all the steps mentioned above, return to your profile page. Select the β€˜Edit Profile option. Here, you can customize what will be visible on your profile page and what will not. You can display your professional category and contact details in this option or hide them. You can also connect your Instagram business with a Facebook Page to get a seamless flow between the two Meta platforms.


Starting a business on Instagram is simple and requires no investment. The most important thing to consider before starting a business is what your hobbies or interests are. Once you have identified them, then you can monetize them. With the above-mentioned business ideas, you can choose the one which best matches your interest.


What is the best business to start on Instagram?

Some of the best businesses to start on Instagram are affiliate marketing, photography, social media management, influencer, makeup artist, hair stylists, graphic designers, copywriting and dropshipping.

What should I sell on Instagram?

You can sell various products on Instagram like apparel, jewellery, home decor, accessories, health products, beauty products, fitness products, gadgets, gifts, art, shoes etc.

Can I start a small business on Instagram?

You can start a small business on Instagram, like coaching, animation, dropshipping, photography, DIY crafts, selling digital products, cooking business, graphic designing, event organising, etc.

Do I need a license to sell on Instagram?

No. You only need to set up a business account on Instagram to start selling.

Mansi Rana
Professional Experience. Mansi joined EarnKaro in 2022 as a Content Analyst. With over three years of experience, she is a seasoned content writer specializing in niches such as affiliate marketing. Educational Background. A Journalism and Mass Communication graduate from Amity University, Mansi channels her passion towards empowering aspiring micro-influencers through the power of affiliate marketing. More About Her. She indulges in her passion for beauty and fashion in her spare time, immersing herself in extensive research and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations.


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