Today, thanks to the accessibility to the internet, online earning potential has increased manifold. There are myriad and innovative ways to earn money online without investment from home. If you are someone who dislikes the 9 to 5 grind but still wants to earn a decent income, then online jobs are definitely for you.

If we talk about online earning opportunities without investment, then there is plenty of it available in our ecosystem. To save you time and effort, we have created this amazing list of easy ways to earn money online without investment in India. Check the list below.

Things to Consider Before Starting Earning Money Online

  1. Stay cautious of any websites that ask for any registration fees or your personal information.
  2. Beware of scammers who will take advantage of your skills but won’t pay when the work is done.
  3. Do thorough research about the company, and read reviews and comments that people have given the company.
  4. Read the contract they offer you carefully before signing it.
EarnKaro Banner
EarnKaro Banner

List of Top 26 Ways to Earn Money Online Without Investment in India

1. Affiliate Marketing

checkout our in-depth video where we have explained what is affiliate marketing and how you can start it in easy steps.
Average Income₹2.5 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsDigital Marketing Knowledge, Content Creation and Copywriting, Understanding Analytics and Data Analysis, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Audience Research and Targeting, Networking and Relationship Building, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), Email Marketing and Automation

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn money online. It means promoting products or services made by another company and earning a commission. You don’t need any initial investment to start affiliate marketing. Get started by joining an affiliate network free of cost, like EarnKaro, and promote deals and offers to your network. Look at the example below.

affiliate link sharing example Screenshot
affiliate link sharing example Screenshot: source

In this blog, visitors will be redirected to Amazon, where they can purchase the iPhone 14 when they click the view button. The button’s link is an affiliate link, meaning if someone buys the iPhone 14 through this link, Tom’s Guide will earn a commission. This is how affiliate links can be included in blog posts.

A few of the niches that you can choose are:

  • Technology
  • Health and Fitness
  • Fashion and Beauty
  • Lifestyle
  • Sports
  • Gaming

How to start Affiliate Marketing?

1. Understand Affiliate Marketing Basics: Get the lowdown on affiliate marketing – how it works, the role of affiliates, merchants, and consumers. Uncover the payment models like pay-per-sale, pay-per-click, and pay-per-lead.

2. Choose Your Niche: Choose a niche you’re passionate about. Focusing on a niche lets you direct your marketing efforts to a specific, interested audience.

3. Research Affiliate Programs/Networks: Look for affiliate programs/Networks that offer hefty commissions, reliable tracking, and a reputation for paying out on time. Here are some high-ticket affiliate programs that you can join.

And affiliate networks 

4. Build a Website or Blog: It is time to build your platform. Create a website or blog where you showcase the affiliate products or services to your eager audience. Here are some top website builders.

5. Produce Quality Content: Your content is the heart of affiliate marketing! Write, film, and create top-notch content that captivates your audience – engaging articles, exciting reviews, educational tutorials, and thrilling videos.

6. Promote Affiliate Products: Integrate affiliate links strategically in your content, but be open and honest about it. Your audience appreciates the honesty and values your genuine recommendations.

7. Optimize for SEO: Unleash the power of SEO to boost your website’s visibility in search engine results. Do your keyword research, on-page optimization, and build an impressive network of backlinks. Here are some well-known SEO tools to use. 

8. Analyze and Optimize Performance: Keep a close eye on how your affiliate marketing is performing. Track metrics like clicks, conversions, and the commissions rolling in. Use this data to fine-tune your strategies and supercharge your success.

Click the button below and start your affiliate marketing journey today. You can even check our Affiliate marketing guide to know it inside out.

2. Earn Money By Clicking Ads

Pay Per Click Image
PPC illustration
Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsAttention to Detail, Understanding of PTC Platforms, Security Awareness, Referral Building, Knowledge of Ad Categories, Accountability, Adaptability and Learning, Networking

Are you aware that you can get paid by clicking on ads? Yes, it’s true. You can supplement your income by joining these sites for free and viewing ads. Some of these sites even pay you to play games or take online surveys.

As most of these are not Indian websites, it’s important to keep your KYC documents in place, as earnings from abroad can come under the scanner of Income Tax authorities.

How to Earn Money by Clicking Ads?

1. Research and Select Legitimate PTC Platforms: Find PTC platforms with the golden seal of legitimacy. Dive into reviews, surf online forums, and seek platforms with a history of keeping the money train on track. Here are some of the best apps to earn money by clicking ads:

2. Create Accounts on PTC Platforms: Sign up on chosen PTC platforms. Let them know you’re in for the fun by providing the necessary deets.

3. Understand the Earning Structure: Decode the payment matrix of the PTC platform, understanding the coin value for each ad click, how often the ads pop up, and any additional ways, like referrals.

4. Start Clicking Ads: Show up daily, log in, and click on those ads. Follow the rules laid out for each ad, like how long you need to view them and any required interactions.

5. Refer Others for Additional Earnings: Utilize referral programs to gather a crew under your banner. Watch your income bloom as you pocket a piece of their earnings.

6. Focus on High-Paying Ads and Offers: Look for Ads or tasks that pay more than the regular clicks. Some PTC platforms add these gems to the mix.

7. Be Consistent and Patient: Stick to your daily routine on the PTC platforms and let patience be your guiding star. Earnings may start as a trickle but gradually increase over time.

8. Withdraw Your Earnings: Once you’ve crossed the minimum payout threshold, cash out your hard-earned rewards using the payment methods provided by the PTC platform.

3. Content writing

Girl engaged in writing content
Girl engaged in writing content
Average Income₹3.9 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsExceptional Writing Skills, Research Proficiency, Adaptability and Versatility, SEO Knowledge, Time Management, Editing and Proofreading, Creativity and Storytelling, Understanding of Digital Tools

If writing content is something you are passionate about, then why not turn it into a career? Many writers have done content writing and blogging careers and earned significant money.

An example of someone who has made a living through blog writing is Harsh Agarwal. You can read about his journey here.

Harsh Agarwal

Writers usually earn money per word, meaning the more words you write, the more you can make. You can start blogging on free websites like, or if you are up for some investment, you can set up your website.

How to start Content Writing?

1. Enhance Your Writing Skills: Sharpen your writing skills by regularly practising grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation. Read widely to expose yourself to different writing styles and genres.

2. Discover Your Writing Niche: Uncover your passion within the vast landscape of writing – whether it’s the exciting tech world, the ever-evolving health sphere, or the thrilling realm of travel. Specializing makes you a magnet for potential clients.

3. Showcase Your Best: Showcase your best work in a portfolio that flaunts your versatility. Include articles, blog posts, case studies, and more to demonstrate your writing prowess.

4. Understand SEO Basics: Get familiar with SEO basics like keyword research, on-page optimization, and meta tags. SEO knowledge turbocharges your content’s discoverability online.

5. Network and Connect with Clients: Connect with potential clients on freelance platforms, writing forums, and social media groups. Building relationships can open doors to exciting writing opportunities.

6. Meet Deadlines and Deliver Quality: Develop a strong work ethic – meet deadlines and consistently deliver top-notch content. Happy clients mean a stellar reputation and more work down the line.

7. Adapt to Client Requirements: Adaptability is your secret weapon. Mould your writing style to suit the flavour of your clients. Whether it’s formal, friendly, or fabulously fun – master the art of versatility.

8. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Stay in the know – follow industry trends, embrace new writing techniques, and keep up with evolving digital platforms.

If you feel these suits you, we have created a fantastic guide covering some of the best ways to make money by writing. Do have a look.

4. Online Survey Jobs

Survey Form
Survey Form
Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsAccuracy and Attention to Detail, Time Management, Effective Communication, Patience and Perseverance, Understanding of Survey Formats, Privacy Awareness, Consistency and Reliability, Adaptability

Online survey jobs are the most fun and easy way to earn money online without investment. Many sites pay their members in points. Most surveys are worth up to 250 points, and members can take an average of four surveys monthly. Most of these online survey sites are market research companies that make members take surveys for their products and services. Though the earning capacity is not a lot in such jobs, it can still suffice given the effort put in by members.

Here is an example of an online survey.

How do you start taking Online Surveys?

1. Research and Choose Reputable Survey Websites: Seek out well-established and trusted survey websites. Dive into reviews, look for proof of payments, and ensure the platforms you’re eyeing have an unblemished reputation.

Some of the legit sites for online survey jobs in India are:

2. Create a Dedicated Email Address: Consider setting up a separate email address solely for your survey adventures. This keeps your inbox neat, ensuring you never miss those golden survey opportunities.

3. Sign Up and Complete Your Profile: Get yourself registered on the survey sites you fancy and fill out your profile like a pro. Providing accurate demographic details is your ticket to surveys that match your interests.

4. Explore Available Surveys: Pop into your survey accounts regularly to see what’s cooking. Grab those surveys that fit your profile like a glove.

5. Be Honest and Accurate in Your Responses: When you’re answering those survey questions, keep it real and honest. Accuracy is the name of the game, and honesty helps you score more surveys.

6. Understand the Reward System: Get familiar with each survey platform’s reward system. It could be cold, hard cash, gift cards, coupons, or a stash of points ready for redemption.

7. Stay Active and Consistent: Be the survey superstar by actively participating and checking in regularly. Consistency is your ally in getting more invites and racking up those rewards.

8. Be Patient and Cautious: Survey earnings can be a slow and steady race. Keep your cool, and watch out for scams promising the moon. Stick with reputable platforms for a legit survey experience.

5. Online Tutoring Jobs

Student taking class online
The student taking an online class
Average Income₹2.9 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsSubject Expertise, Communication Skills, Adaptability and Flexibility, Tech Savviness, Time Management, Interpersonal Skills, Problem-Solving Skills

Online tutoring jobs are best for those who like to interact with students and have a college degree along with some teaching experience. You will need to conduct online tutoring sessions via a webcam. Online tutors working for a company are paid about $12 per hour. This amount can go up to $30 per hour as per the subject taught and the experience of the tutor.

How to start Online Tutoring?

1. Choose Your Expertise: Pick the subjects that light your teaching fire. Go for areas where you’re a guru, and your passion shines through in every lesson.

2. Know Your Audience: Figure out who you want to teach – kids, college students, or a specific group. Tailoring your teaching to your audience’s needs is the secret sauce.

3. Acquire the Necessary Equipment and Tools: Make sure you’ve got the tech gear: a trusty computer, lightning-fast internet, webcam, mic, and any special software or online platforms for your virtual classroom.

4. Select a Tutoring Platform or Setup: Decide if you’ll join established online tutoring platforms, build your website, or mix it up. Some online tutoring sites that you can explore are:

5. Price It Right and Set Rules: Figure out how much to charge for your wisdom. Consider your expertise, subject complexity, and demand. Be crystal clear about your rules – for cancelations, rescheduling, and how students pay the tuition bill.

6. Create Learning Materials and Lesson Plans: Create lesson plans, nifty worksheets, fun quizzes, and all the gear you need to make learning a blast. Keep things organized for smooth teaching sessions.

7. Shout Out Your Services: Get the word out about your tutoring talents. Hit social media, dabble in online ads, post on community boards, and join education forums. Your professional profile should sing your praises.

8. Ace Your Tutoring Game: Give your students an unforgettable learning experience. Build strong connections, adapt to how each student learns, and keep evolving your teaching tricks based on feedback.

6. Online Proofreading Jobs

Pen and a paper with corrections marked
Pen and a paper with corrections marked
Average Income₹2.5 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsExcellent Grammar and Punctuation, Spelling Accuracy, Attention to Detail, Consistency in Style and Formatting, Understanding of Context, Effective Time Management, Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, Excellent Communication Skills

If you have impeccable English grammar skills and an eye for detail, then online proofreading jobs are for you. Find work as editors or proofreaders at the following sites. There are many companies that hire editors as freelancers periodically.

How to start Online Proofreading?

1. Master Proofreading Skills: Master the fine art of proofreading, covering everything from grammar and spelling to punctuation and style. Get familiar with proofreading marks and techniques that make text sparkle.

2. Build a Portfolio: Create a portfolio that flaunts your proofreading prowess. Load it up with diverse samples – academic papers, articles, blogs, you name it – to prove you’re the real deal.

3. Identify Your Niche: Specialize in a specific niche – whether it’s academic, business, technical, or creative writing. Focusing your skills helps you tailor your services and find the right clients.

4. Understand Various Style Guides: Get to know style guides like APA, MLA, or the Chicago Manual of Style, depending on your client base and the documents you’ll be handling.

5. Set Up Your Online Presence: Build a sleek website or portfolio where you can strut your stuff. Show off your services, rates, testimonials, and make sure you’re easy to find on social media and directories.

6. Establish Your Pricing Structure: Figure out your pricing game – word count, complexity, and turnaround time all play a part. Consider offering different packages to suit different client needs.

7. Network and Market Yourself: Rub virtual elbows with potential clients, fellow proofreaders, and industry pros. Spread the word on social media, professional forums, and freelance hubs to grow your client list. The mentioned companies can be explored for online proofreading jobs:

8. Deliver Quality Work and Build a Reputation: Consistently deliver top-notch proofreading services that leave clients in awe. Build a reputation for being the go-to pro – accurate, reliable, and a true wordsmith. Repeat business and referrals will follow.

7. Start a YouTube Channel

Girl Shooting Video for YouTube
Girl Shooting Video for YouTube

Due to its popularity, YouTube is one of India’s easiest ways to earn money. If you have the skills in a particular topic, you can create a YouTube channel and start posting videos around it, as it is one of the most popular and best ways to make money on YouTube. As you gain an audience and many views, you can start monetizing your account. You can set up an account with Google Adsense and start earning money per thousand views.

How Much Can You Earn from YouTube

Video ViewsEstimated Earnings (in dollars)Estimated Earnings (in ₹)
10K$50 to $80₹200 to ₹500
100K$500 to $2,500₹2,000 to ₹5,000
1 million$3,400 to $40,000₹7,000 to ₹30,000
150 million$80,000 to $100,000₹1,50,000 to ₹6,00,000
Required skillContent Creation and Editing, Video Production and Equipment Usage, Understanding of YouTube Platform, Audience Engagement and Communication, SEO and Video Optimization, Creativity and Innovation, Time Management and Consistency, Marketing and Promotion

For example, PewDiePie is a YouTuber popular for Let’s Play and comedic formatted videos and shows.

You can get around 3-4 lakhs with each video if your channel gets millions of views. But reaching this level will take a lot of hard work and patience. Try to make unique and creative content so that you stand out from the audience and have more subscribers.

How to start a YouTube Channel?

1. Find Your Niche and Audience: Pick a topic you’re passionate about and know well. Define your audience so your content hits the bullseye.

2. YouTube Setup 101: Create an account and a channel to get your YouTube groove on. Customize it with eye-catching visuals and a bio that screams “you.”

3. Plan and Produce Quality Content: Plan your video content like a pro. Make it top-notch, engaging, and packed with value. Mix it up with tutorials, vlogs, reviews – you name it.

4. Invest in Equipment and Setup: Invest in the right tools – a solid camera, microphone, lighting, and video editing software. Create a filming space that’s camera-ready.

5. Master the YouTube SEO Game: Boost your videos’ discoverability with smart keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags. This helps your content find its way to a broader audience.

6. Engage with Your Audience: Chat with your viewers in the comments, hop on social media, and maybe host live Q&A sessions or polls. Building a bond with your audience is golden.

7. Consistency is Key: Keep the content flowing on a regular schedule. Consistency is your secret sauce for growing a dedicated fanbase.

8. Promote Your Channel: Share your videos far and wide – on social media, forums, blogs, and wherever your audience hangs out. Collaborate, run contests, or give sneak peeks to draw in more subscribers.

8. Selling on Social Media

Facebook product page
Facebook profile
Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsSocial Media Marketing Strategy, Content Creation and Curation, Visual Design Skills, Customer Engagement and Relationship Building, Data Analysis and Insights, E-Commerce and Platform-Specific Features, Ad Campaign Management, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You can start a business on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook. Creating an account on these platforms is free of cost, and you can easily sell items made by you on these platforms. All you need to do is share images and videos showcasing your products. You can also create an online store on these apps.

Check out below how Sephora created an online store on Facebook.

How to start Selling on Social Media?

1. Select the Right Social Media Platforms: Find the right social media platforms that match your target audience and product type. Some of the top social media platforms to sell:

2. Create a Business Account: Transform your social media profiles into business powerhouses. Unlock features like product tagging, analytics, and tailor-made advertising to fuel your brand.

3. Optimize Your Profile and Bio: Spruce up your profile with a captivating profile picture, a bio that oozes your business vibe, and links that lead to your digital kingdom.

4. Develop a Content Strategy: Plan a content extravaganza. Showcase your products with a dash of creativity. Mix it up – product pics, videos, glowing customer reviews, and nuggets of wisdom to keep your audience hooked.

5. Integrate E-Commerce Features: Make the most of e-commerce features. Tag and link your products directly to your posts and profiles, turning likes into sales.

6. Engage with Your Audience: Dive into the conversation. Respond to comments, messages, and inquiries pronto. Build a loyal tribe by sparking meaningful connections.

7. Leverage Advertising and Promotions: Power up your reach with paid advertising. These platforms offer the rocket fuel to shoot your products into the digital stratosphere.

8. Track Performance and Adjust Strategies: Keep tabs on your social media shindig using analytics tools. Refine your tactics, polish your content, and keep your selling game on point.

9. Freelancing

Freelancing illustration
Freelancing illustration
Average Income₹10.8 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsCommunication Skills, Time Management, Negotiation and Contracts, Financial Management, Client Relationship Management, Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

As a freelancer, you can work from the comfort of your home and on your own time. You won’t be restricted to working for anyone specific, which means that you can take up multiple projects and work at your convenience. There are many types of freelancing jobs available, like data entry, content writing, web & graphic designing, etc.

How to start Freelancing?

1. Identify Your Skills and Expertise: Shine a light on your unique talents and expertise. Identify what you bring to the table and what services you can offer as a freelancer.

2. Build a Portfolio: Show off your best work. Create a portfolio that’s a showstopper, even if you’re just starting. Personal projects and volunteer gigs count, too!

3. Choose Your Niche or Services: Narrow down on your niche or a specific set of services. This laser-focused approach helps you become the go-to pro in your field.

4. Set Your Rates and Terms: Set your rates wisely, considering your skills, project complexity, and market demand. Clearly define your terms, payment methods, and project scope.

5. Create a Professional Online Presence: Give yourself a digital makeover. Create a slick website, hop onto freelancing platforms, and make a splash on LinkedIn. Flaunt your portfolio, skills, and experience.

6. Market Your Services: Get your name out there. Network, leverage social media, write killer content, and send out compelling emails to snag those freelance gigs.

7. Acquire Clients and Projects: Kick-off by tapping into your network, reaching out to former colleagues, or hitting up freelancing platforms. Deliver excellence to build your rep and score referrals. Some of the most used Freelancing platforms:

8. Manage Your Time and Finances: Juggle your time like a pro to meet deadlines and balance your workload. And don’t forget the finances – handle invoicing taxes and stash away some savings for the future.

Also, if you wish to know more about taking a freelancing job, then check out our step-by-step guide on earning money by Freelancing in India.

10. Captcha solver

captcha image
Captcha source
Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsSpeed and Accuracy, Pattern Recognition, Attention to Detail, Problem-Solving Skills, Familiarity with Captcha Types, Keyboard Proficiency

You can earn a side income by becoming a captcha solver. It is one of the easiest ways to earn money online. Captcha solving means that you need to read the captcha images and write the same characters through the software. You need to have a fast typing speed and a laptop with good internet speed to start as a captcha solver.

How to start Captcha Solving?

1. Research and Choose a Legitimate Platform: Hunt for trustworthy captcha-solving platforms known for their legality, reliability, and prompt payouts. There are many captcha-solving sites, like

2. Create Accounts on Legitimate Platforms: Create accounts on these reputable platforms, providing accurate details during sign-up.

3. Understand the Captcha Solving Process: Get to grips with how captcha solving works. Understand the types of captchas you’ll tackle and the accuracy expected.

4. Use the Captcha Solving Software or Tools: Depending on the platform, you might need specific software or tools to ace captcha-solving efficiently.

5. Follow Guidelines and Instructions: Stick to the platform’s guidelines and instructions for solving captchas. Accuracy and compliance are the name of the game.

6. Be Consistent and Patient: Be consistent and patient in your daily captcha-solving routine. Some platforms offer higher rates for speedy and accurate solvers.

7. Understand Payment Methods and Thresholds: Know the payment methods and minimum payout thresholds. Make sure you meet the criteria for cashing out.

8. Protect Your Privacy and Security: Guard your privacy and security. Be cautious about sharing personal info and steer clear of anything that might breach terms of service. 

11. Virtual Assistant

illustration of an virtual assistant
illustration of a virtual assistant
Average Income₹2.8 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsCommunication skills, time management, attention to detail, planning & scheduling skills, familiarity with social media, basic research & writing skills

You can become a virtual assistant and offer administrative services to clients from your home. As you are a virtual assistant, you don’t need to be physically present for this job.  

You can do various tasks for your clients like content writing & proofreading, coding, data entry, graphic designing, social media management, research, counselling, etc.

How to become a Virtual Assistant?

1. Understand the Role and Responsibilities: Get familiar with the responsibilities of a virtual assistant – think email management, scheduling, data entry, research, and more.

2. Assess Your Skills and Strengths: Take a look in the mirror and spot your strengths. Organized? Check. Great communicator? Double-check. Proficient with office software? Triple-check.

3. Find Your Niche: Decide if you want to be a specialist. Social media guru? Accounting ace? Customer service champ? Specializing can make you the go-to pro in your chosen field.

4. Create a Professional Brand and Image: Create an online presence that screams “professional.” A sleek website, a pro email address, and profiles on the right platforms will do the trick. Flaunt your skills and experience.

5. Network and Connect: Network with industry pros and join forums or communities. Building relationships can lead to referrals and exciting collaborations.

6. Set Your Rates and Payment Terms: Price your services smartly, considering what you offer, your expertise, and industry standards. Be clear about how and when you want to get paid.

7. Develop Contracts and Agreements: Draw up a solid contract that spells out everything – scope of work, payments, confidentiality, and more. Contracts are a safety net for both you and your clients.

8. Market Your Services and Gain Clients: Use every trick in the book – social media, content marketing, networking, and direct outreach – to snag those clients looking for a virtual assistant like you. Show off your skills and watch the gigs roll in.

Some of the websites that offer virtual assistant jobs

12. Micro jobs

Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsTechnical Proficiency, Communication Skills, Time Management, Attention to Detail, Problem-Solving Ability, Customer Service Skills, Financial Management

Micro jobs are another way of earning some side income. Micro jobs are nothing but doing simple tasks online on different websites and getting paid for them. Micro jobs include tasks like downloading an app, signing up on a website, doing research, writing small articles, watching a video, checking ads rating, finding contact details, etc.

How to start a Micro Job?

1. Identify Your Skills and Services: Identify your strengths and the services you can perform quickly and effectively. Think tasks like graphic design, data entry, writing, or social media.

2. Research the Market Demand: Dive into micro job platforms to see where your skills fit in. Find the niches where you can shine or where there’s a gap in the market. Here are some popular micro job sites.

3. Set Clear Offerings and Pricing: Set crystal-clear offerings and competitive prices. Make sure your rates are a magnet for potential clients and match the task’s complexity.

4. Create a Professional Profile: Establish a sleek online presence. Whether on micro job platforms or your own site, flaunt your skills, experiences, and past work to lure in clients.

5. Advertise Your Services: Make some noise about your micro services. Hit up social media, freelancing platforms, forums, and communities. Targeted ads can work wonders too.

6. Deliver High-Quality Work: Zero in on top-notch work and stellar customer service. Happy clients mean positive reviews and referrals galore.

7. Communicate Effectively: Keep the communication lines open. Understand client needs, set realistic expectations, and keep them in the loop on project progress.

8. Request and Showcase Reviews: Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews and testimonials. Showcase these badges of honor on your profile to build trust and reel in more clients.

13. Transcriber

An individual listening to audio and converting them into text
An individual listening to audio and converting it into text
Average Income₹2.1 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsExcellent Listening Skills, Fast and Accurate Typing Skills, Grammar and Punctuation, Attention to Detail, Familiarity with Tools and Software, Confidentiality and Professionalism

Transcribing is one of the best ways to make money online in 2023, and it requires zero investment. It involves listening to audio files and converting them into text for presentations, articles, feedback, and much more. Many transcribing jobs are available online, and they pay well in exchange for your time spent listening to lengthy audio files and converting them into text as per their client’s requirements.

How to start Transcribing?

1. Develop Necessary Skills: Polish your listening, typing, grammar, and punctuation skills. Precision in understanding and transcribing audio is non-negotiable.

2. Choose a Transcription Specialization: Choose your transcription adventure – medical, legal, general, or dive into specialized realms like academia or business content.

3. Get the Right Equipment: Invest in quality headphones, a trusty computer, and transcription software that lets you control audio playback speed. This setup turbocharges your productivity and accuracy.

4. Familiarize Yourself with Style Guides: Master specific style guides or industry standards related to your chosen transcription field. Consistency is key to spot-on transcripts.

5. Practice and Build a Portfolio: Flex those transcription muscles. Transcribe various audio, from different accents to various content types. Your portfolio should scream versatility.

6. Sign Up on Transcription Platforms: Hop onto transcription platforms or freelancing hubs that specialize in the craft. They’re your launchpad to find gigs and clients. Here are some platforms to consider.

7. Market Your Services: Market your transcription talents through social media, freelancing platforms, your personal website, or by schmoozing with potential clients. Show off your skills, experience, and niche.

8. Deliver High-Quality Transcripts: Serve up accurate, pristine, and well-structured transcripts on time. Consistency in quality wins over clients, leading to satisfaction and referrals.

14. Content Creator

A woman creating content for social media
A woman creating content for social media
Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsCreativity and Innovation, Communication Skills, Visual Design and Multimedia Skills, Copywriting and Editing, Adaptability and Learning Agility, SEO and Analytics Understanding, Time Management and Organization, Social Media and Audience Engagement

People’s views of the world have changed because of social media. Smartphones have taken the role of devices like televisions, laptops, and tablets in terms of how people like to be entertained. Everyone is familiar with websites like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. By producing interesting, informative, relatable material that helps the public or makes them laugh, you can grow an audience on any platform. Thanks to short-form content like YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels, anybody can become famous overnight. Money for content creation can be earned in different ways, including sponsorships, advertisements, paid partnerships, and more.

Here is a video of Nikkie, who is a content creator and beauty influencer.

How to become a Content Creator?

1. Find Your Passion and Audience: Unearth your niche and match it with an audience who shares your zeal.

2. Understand Your Platform and Medium: Choose your content battleground – YouTube, blogging, podcasting, social media – or blend them for maximum impact. Master each platform’s tricks.

3. Create High-Quality, Engaging Content: Create content that informs, entertains, or enriches your audience’s lives. Use top-notch visuals, storytelling, and engaging formats to keep them hooked.

4. Develop Consistent Branding and Style: Craft a unique brand identity with your logo, colors, fonts, and style. Consistency helps your audience instantly recognize and connect with your content.

5. Build and Engage with Your Community: Dive into the conversation. Respond to comments, messages, and feedback. Cultivate a tight-knit community of loyal followers.

6. Understand SEO and Content Optimization: Get familiar with SEO basics. Optimize your content for search engines with the right keywords, meta descriptions, and smart backlinks.

7. Collaborate and Network: Collaborate with fellow content creators, brands, or influencers in your niche. Teamwork expands your reach and introduces your content to a wider audience.

8. Analyze and Adapt: Dive into analytics. Use platform-provided tools to track your content’s performance. Understand what clicks and what clunks, then tweak your strategy for success.

15. Blogger

Average Income₹2.9 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsWriting Skills, Research Skills, SEO Knowledge, Social Media Management, Basic HTML and Website Management, Graphic Design and Multimedia Skills, Networking and Community Building

Starting a blog can be the ideal side hustle if you have something to say that people would find interesting. Every topic can be written about on a platform you develop for readers. Blogging can help you make money through affiliate deals, Google Ads, and sponsored content, to name a few. However, before working in this industry, it’s crucial to grasp skills like web design, SEO, and content writing. These skills will help you create a steady income stream in no time.

amit agarwal

Amit Agarwal is one of the top bloggers in India who is the author of a highly popular and award-winning technology blog Digital Inspiration focusing on how-to guides for consumer software and mobile apps.

How to start Blogging?

1. Choose a Niche or Topic: Choose a topic that sets your soul on fire. Your niche is the guiding star for your blog’s content.

2. Select a Blogging Platform: Pick a blogging platform. Think user-friendliness, customization options, and room for growth. Here are some popular options.

3. Register a Domain and Hosting: Snag a domain name that serves your blog’s purpose and brand. Partner up with a dependable hosting provider to take your blog live. Here are some well-known domain and hosting providers.

4. Customize Your Blog: Give your blog a unique wardrobe. Choose a theme or template that matches your niche and style. Tweak colors, fonts, and layout to make it yours.

5. Create Quality Content: Craft top-tier content. Share knowledge, solve problems, and keep readers glued to your posts with valuable, engaging writing.

6. Optimise for SEO: Learn the SEO basics. Sprinkle in relevant keywords, create enticing meta descriptions, and optimize your images to make sure search engines find your blog.

7. Promote Your Blog: Shout your blog’s existence from the virtual rooftops. Share posts on social media, mingle in the right online communities and drop a guest post or two for maximum exposure.

8. Engage with Your Audience: Invite interaction. Encourage comments, heed reader feedback, and foster a sense of community on your blog. Engaging with your audience builds a tribe of loyal readers.

16. Reseller

A man packing products
A man packing products
Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsMarket Research and Analysis, Sales and Negotiation Skills, Customer Relationship Management, Inventory Management, Financial Management, Communication and Networking, Adaptability and Flexibility, E-commerce and Technology Proficiency

Reselling involves purchasing goods to resell them. Individuals can purchase goods in bulk and resell them to the general public for retail prices. Given that it does not involve any capital from the businessperson, reselling can grow into a successful internet business. All you need to do is establish a network of wholesalers and attempt to reach out to the public through various channels, such as a website, chat services, or an online storefront. Resellers can make good money by charging margins on the products or even taking commissions from their wholesale clients.

How to become a Reseller?

1. Choose Your Product Niche: Start by selecting a product or product category that truly sparks your interest and aligns with your knowledge. Your enthusiasm will fuel your marketing and sales efforts.

2. Research and Select Suppliers: Dive into supplier research. Look for partners or wholesalers who offer the products you’re eyeing. Scrutinize quality, pricing, shipping, and their industry reputation.

3. Establish Legal Structure and Business: Sort out the business logistics. Choose a legal structure, register your enterprise, nab the necessary licenses, and toe the tax line.

4. Create a Business Plan: Craft a robust business plan. Outline your objectives, target market, pricing strategy, marketing game plan, financial forecasts, and day-to-day operations.

5. Set Up an Online or Physical Storefront: Set up shop in the digital world with an e-commerce platform or, if applicable, create a brick-and-mortar storefront. Tailor it to showcase your products and ensure seamless transactions.

6. Market Your Products: Deploy savvy marketing tactics to put your products in the spotlight. Harness the power of social media, online ads, email campaigns, and SEO to boost your visibility.

7. Provide Exceptional Customer Service: Elevate customer service to hero status. Swiftly answer inquiries, address concerns, and ensure every buyer enjoys a seamless, satisfying experience.

8. Monitor Sales and Performance: Keep tabs on your sales, soak in customer feedback, and analyze your business’s performance. This knowledge will steer your ship toward success.

17. Social Media Consultant

Social media apps
Social media apps source
Average Income₹5.0 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsSocial Media Platform Knowledge, Content Creation and Curation, Analytics and Data Interpretation, Digital Marketing and Advertising, Customer Engagement and Relationship Building, Strategic Planning and Goal Setting, Adaptability and Stay Updated, Communication and Client Management

Social media consulting can be a great way to make money online if you are someone who can identify newer trends on social media, is informed about the different existing and emerging social media platforms, and knows how to work on a social media platform to build a following. Social media consultants can assist their clients in areas such as the timing of publication, type of content, audience interaction, and more in return for great compensation.

How to become a Social Media Consultant?

1. Develop a Strong Understanding of Social Media Platforms: Dive into the realm of social media. Get familiar with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and their unique features.

2. Build a Professional Online Presence: Fashion a professional online presence. Whip up profiles that scream expertise and social media magic.

3. Gain Relevant Education and Certifications: Consider levelling up with courses or certifications in social media and digital marketing. Boost your street cred and amp up your knowledge.

4. Develop Strategic Thinking and Planning Skills: Develop a strategic mind. Create killer social media strategies, set goals, plan campaigns, and decode the results to make those efforts count.

5. Hone Content Creation and Curation Skills: Become a content virtuoso. Cook up posts that beg to be shared, and know how to curate the juiciest content from various sources.

6. Stay Updated with Trends and Algorithms: Surf the trend wave and be the algorithm whisperer. Keep a vigilant eye on platform changes and adapt your strategies accordingly.

7. Practice Analytics and Performance Measurement: Get friendly with analytics tools. Measure campaign performance, track metrics, and unveil insights that drive smarter strategies and prove your worth to clients.

8. Network and Build a Portfolio: Mix and mingle with industry pros. Attend events, rub digital shoulders, and build a portfolio that showcases your social media prowess.

18. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a straightforward business idea that involves selling products to consumers by searching online for vendors that will provide goods at a discount so you can mark them up and make a profit. Many vendors are available to supply goods, which might range from computers and clothing to jewelry and healthy food. To market and sell the products, you will need your website and/or e-commerce storefront.

Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsProduct Research and Selection, Supplier Management, E-commerce Platform Usage, Marketing and Advertising, Customer Service, Financial Management, Analytical and Decision-Making Skills, Time Management and Organization

How to start Dropshipping?

1. Choose a Niche and Research Product: Handpick a niche that speaks to you or shows promise in the market. Dive into research to uncover the hottest products in that arena.

2. Find Reliable Suppliers: Seek out reliable dropshipping suppliers or wholesalers. Look for the trifecta: quality products, speedy shipping, and competitive pricing.

3. Create a Business Plan: Plot your course with a rock-solid business plan. Define your business model, target market, marketing game plan, pricing strategy, and financial forecasts.

4. Set Up an E-commerce Website: Set up your online store using e-commerce platforms. Give it appeal with product listings and a user-friendly layout. Here are few e-commerce platforms to consider.

5. Integrate Dropshipping App or Plugin: Integrate a dropshipping app or plugin. This magical link connects your store with your supplier’s inventory and order management. Here are some popular plugins.

6. Optimize for SEO and User Experience: Make your site an SEO superstar to get noticed. Ensure it loads quickly, looks great on mobile, and boasts user-friendly navigation.

7. Implement Marketing and Sales Strategies: Craft killer marketing strategies. Drive traffic with social media ads, content marketing, influencer collaborations, and email magic.

8. Provide Excellent Customer Service: Prioritize customer service like it’s your superpower. Reply pronto to inquiries, efficient order fulfilment, and tackle issues with superhero speed.

20. Publish eBooks

eBook source
Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsWriting Skills, Editing and Proofreading, Formatting and Layout Design, Cover Design, Digital Publishing Platforms, Basic Marketing and Promotion, Copyright and Legal Knowledge, Research and Market Understanding

To earn money online, individuals can write and distribute eBooks if they have some knowledge of a particular subject. Just make sure the subject you choose for your blog post is appropriate. Given that your audience visits your site due to your topic or speciality doing this will boost your odds of earning a sale. You may also create a mailing list and inform potential customers about your ebook via email.

How to start Publishing eBooks?

1. Choose Genre or Topic: Seek out a genre or topic that sets your writer’s heart aflutter. Make sure it’s in sync with your passions, expertise, and the people you want to reach.

2. Write and Edit Your eBook: Get those creative juices flowing and start writing your eBook. Remember to wield your editing wand for grammar, spelling, and coherence. A pro editor might be your secret weapon for a polished final piece.

3. Design a Professional Cover: Craft an eBook cover that doesn’t just catch eyes but practically demands to be clicked on. It’s your book’s first impression—make it count.

4. Format Your eBook: Format your eBook in the style that your chosen publishing platform demands. Think ePub, MOBI, or PDF, depending on the digital landscape you’re wading into.

5. Platform Selection: Pick the right platform to launch your eBook into the digital world. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Smashwords, Apple Books, and Google Play Books—all have their unique charms.

6. Publish and Promote Your eBook: Release your eBook into the wild on your chosen platform. Optimize its metadata with a killer title, description, and keywords. Shout about it from the digital rooftops via social media, emails, and book bloggers—get creative!

7. Price Your eBook: Pin a price tag on your eBook that’s both tempting and competitive. Consider the genre, length, and the value readers will glean. Dive into market research and snoop on competitors for pricing wisdom.

8. Monitor Sales and Gather Feedback: Keep an eye on your sales figures. Listen closely to the feedback from your readers. These insights will guide your future eBook adventures.

21. Publish an Online Course

Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsSubject Matter Expertise, Content Creation, Instructional Design, Technological Proficiency, Communication and Presentation, Adaptability and Updating, Marketing and Promotion, Customer Service and Engagement

Entrepreneurs can sell online courses on an eLearning platform or their website if they are an expert in a certain topic and enjoy generating educational resources. Although using an eLearning platform is simpler, building an eLearning website provides more freedom and control over the course formats and monetization options. Aside from videos and presentations, you can also provide courses in eBooks, podcasts, and eBooks. Like, check out this animation course by Yuliya Osyka.

How to Publish an Online Course?

1. Choose a Topic and Define Learning Outcomes: Pick a topic that sets your teaching spirit ablaze. It should be something you know like the back of your hand and are passionate about guiding others through. Map out clear learning outcomes. What do you want your students to achieve by the end of your course? Crystal-clear objectives are your guiding stars.

2. Create Course Content: Start creating the educational magic. Craft video lessons, written materials, quizzes, and assignments— to make learning a breeze.

3. Choose an E-learning Platform: Choose an e-learning platform or LMS that’s a good match for your course. Think Teachable, Udemy, or Coursera, or go all-in with a self-hosted platform like WordPress with handy plugins.

4. Organize and Structure Your Course: Organize your content into neat modules or sections. Plot the learning journey so it’s smooth sailing from start to finish.

5. Integrate Multimedia and Interactivity: Spice up your course with multimedia charm. Use videos, images, and interactive bits like quizzes to keep your learners engaged.

6. Optimize for User Experience: Make sure your course is a pleasure to navigate. It should look great, work smoothly, and be user-friendly on any device.

7. Price Your Course and Set Up Payments: Decide on a course price that’s fair and square. Set up a secure payment gateway so eager learners can join the fun.

8. Market and Promote Your Course: Roll out the red carpet for your course with a stellar marketing strategy. Social media, email campaigns, webinars, and partnerships—they’re all stars in your promotional show.

22. Data Entry Clerk

Data Entry
Data Entry
Average Income₹1.6 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsTyping Speed and Accuracy, Attention to Detail, Computer Proficiency, Data Management, Time Management, Understanding of Data Entry Tools, Communication Skills

A data entry clerk oversees entering data into a computer program from numerous sources. Addresses, financial information, or survey results are different kinds of data. Data clerks are expected to frequently update data, perform database backup and security activities, and prepare reports in addition to adding new information to a digital database. To make sure that all information can be quickly retrieved when needed, they must keep track of and arrange databases and other required papers.

How to become Data Entry Clerk?

1. Develop Typing Speed and Accuracy: Rev up your typing skills with regular practice to become a data entry speed demon, accuracy champion, and keystroke maestro.

2. Improve Attention to Detail: Cultivate strong attention to detail. Your ability to spot and correct errors is your data’s best friend.

3. Familiarize Yourself with Data Entry Tools: Get familiar with data entry tools and software like Microsoft Excel. Here are some top data entry tools.

4. Enhance Computer Proficiency: Become a computer whiz. Master various software applications and glide effortlessly through different systems.

5. Practice Organization and File Management: Develop a knack for organizing data logically and managing files like a pro. Keeping things neat and tidy streamlines your data entry journey.

6. Hone Time Management Skills: Sharpen your time management skills to conquer deadlines in the fast-paced world of data entry.

7. Seek Relevant Job Opportunities: Go on a job hunt adventure. Seek out Data Entry Clerk openings on job portals, websites, or through local employment agencies. 

8. Prepare for Interviews: Gear up for interviews. Know the ins and outs of the Data Entry Clerk role, and practice answering the questions that will come your way.

23. Customer Service Representative

Image of a Customer Service Representative talking to the consumer via telephone.
Image of a Customer Service Representative talking to the consumer via telephone.
Average Income₹2.7 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsEffective Communication, Patience and Tolerance, Problem-Solving Skills, Product and Service Knowledge, Time Management, Conflict Resolution and Diplomacy

Customer service employees are responsible for responding to inquiries and complaints from clients over the phone, through chat, or in person. This involves accepting orders from customers, handling grievances or product returns, and responding to inquiries about goods or services. Due to the necessity of having a customer support department open 24/7, representatives frequently work full-time in set shifts. Also, they frequently attend training beforehand to become acquainted with the instruments they will employ as well as the company’s goods and services. Different websites like Glassdoor, Indeed, LinkedIn, and more can help you find Customer Service jobs.

How to become Customer Service Representative?

1. Develop Excellent Communication Skills: Master the art of communication. Your words, whether spoken or written, should be a symphony of clarity and empathy.

2. Understand Customer Service Principles: Dive into the wisdom of customer service. Active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution should be your guiding stars.

3. Learn About the Industry and Product/Service: Know the ins and outs, the quirks and qualities of your products or services. It’s the knowledge that empowers you.

4. Acquire Problem-Solving Skills: Develop strong problem-solving skills to quickly analyze customer issues and provide appropriate solutions or escalate complex problems to higher levels of support.

5. Master Time Management: Learn to manage your time effectively to handle multiple customer inquiries and tasks simultaneously, ensuring timely and efficient responses.

6. Enhance Computer and Software Proficiency: Conquer the digital realm. Computers, software, CRM systems—make yourself proficient. 

7. Handle Difficult Situations Professionally: Turn crises into opportunities. Irate customers? No problem. You handle them with grace and turn them into your biggest fans.

8. Seek Relevant Job Opportunities: Seek out your dream job. Job boards, tailored resumes, interview rehearsals—your path to the ideal Customer Service Representative role starts here.

24. Become a Digital Marketer

Image of a Girl Surfing on Social Media
Image of a Girl Surfing on Social Media
Average Income₹5.0 LPA (AmbitionBox)
Required SkillsSearch Engine Optimization (SEO), Content Marketing, Social Media Management, Email Marketing, Paid Advertising (PPC), Analytics and Data Interpretation, Digital Marketing Strategy, Understanding of Digital Marketing Tools

People can establish a digital marketing agency and sell their consulting services through the Internet. Marketing consultants assist business owners in attracting their target markets and enhancing sales results. To help websites rank better on search engine results pages (SERPs), attract more traffic, and create leads, digital marketers offer SEO services. By creating and implementing marketing strategies across numerous social media platforms, marketers may also provide social media management services. These efforts foster better audience involvement and brand familiarity. A great social media manager monitors social media data for improved outcomes, stays current on trends, and pinpoints a brand’s target market.

How to become Digital Marketer?

1. Acquire Digital Marketing Knowledge: Dive deep into the digital marketing world. Take courses, attend workshops, and devour online tutorials like a digital marketing prodigy.

2. Develop Key Digital Marketing Skills: Sharpen your skills – SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, paid advertising and analytics. Know them well and wield them to perfection.

3. Build a Portfolio: Create a portfolio that’s your digital badge of honor. Showcase your projects, campaigns, and successful outcomes. Let it do the talking.

4. Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Be the surfer of trends. Stay in tune with the latest trends and beats in the digital world to adapt and innovate your strategies accordingly.

5. Learn and Use Digital Marketing Tools:  Familiarize yourself with popular digital marketing tools like 

6. Network and Connect: Plug into the digital matrix. Attend webinars, events, and workshops. Connect with digital professionals and fellow apprentices.

7. Gain Practical Experience: Join the digital battlefield. Whether in internships, freelance gigs, or personal projects to gain practical experience and build a strong foundation in digital marketing.

8. Seek Employment or Clients: Seek jobs in agencies or reel in your own clients. Leverage your portfolio and network to secure contracts or permanent roles in the field.

25. App Testing

Girl debugging app
Girl debugging app
Average IncomeNo limit
Required SkillsUnderstanding of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), Knowledge of Mobile Operating Systems, Understanding of Testing Types and Techniques, Attention to Detail, Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills, Experience with Testing Tools, Basic Programming Knowledge

Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone or computer. Testing applications and websites are one of the simplest ways to make money online. Companies and app developers engage consumers to perform what is known as “Beta Testing” since they do not want users to be perplexed by their new applications. Before they go live to the public, app testers test out websites or applications and then report their user experience or find any flaws.

How to start App Testing?

1. Understand App Testing Fundamentals: Get familiar with the ABCs of app testing. From functional checks to stress tests, grasp the different types of testing and the manual vs. automated showdown.

2. Learn Testing Tools and Platforms: Equip yourself with the testing arsenal to perform tests and manage testing processes effectively. Here are some popular app testing tools.  

3. Acquire Basic Programming Knowledge: Become multilingual in the world of programming to create automated test scripts and conduct more advanced testing. Learn programming languages like Java, Python, and Swift.

4. Study Mobile Operating Systems: Understand major mobile operating systems. Dive into Android and iOS territories, understanding their rules and regulations for seamless testing.

5. Create a Test Environment: Set up a dedicated testing environment, including devices (real or emulated), necessary software, and tools to simulate various user scenarios and conditions.

6. Explore App Development: Understanding the app creation process unlocks the secret doors to testing opportunities.

7. Gain Practical Experience: Put theory to the test. Start with hands-on exercises, dabble in sample apps, and join testing projects to sharpen your testing skills.

8. Seek Training and Certifications: Enroll in training, earn certifications, and let the world know you are a tested and proven warrior in the realm of app evaluation.

26. Get Paid for Your Habits

Average IncomeNo limit
Required Skills

There are different lifestyle apps on the internet that enable users to generate passive income from their regular activities, such as shopping, reading the news, playing games, watching videos, etc. By using your phone as you normally would, you can generate a decent passive income.

How to Get Paid for Your Habits?

Level up your habits using fun habit tracker apps that turn achieving your goals into a game. Apps like SweatcoinDietBet, and StepBet offer rewards like virtual currency or even real cash for completing your daily objectives. Earn virtual rewards that translate into real-life goodies—gift cards and exciting prizes are just a tap away! 


Now that you know about the top ways to earn money online, it is time to get started. The key to success is putting in continuous hard work and effort. You need to be consistent and give time to see the money coming in. Try to keep a clear head and positively approach your clients. Today, many people are earning through freelancing in India, and you can become a part of it too.

In addition to this, we would also like you to check our latest blog, where we have fully covered how to earn with Whatsapp in detail. Do have a look and let us know if you find it helpful.


How much can we earn online?

There is no right answer to this. Your earnings will depend on the type of work you do and your experience. As a beginner, your earnings will be low, but as you have established yourself in a particular niche, your earnings can significantly increase.

What are the best platforms to earn online without investment?

Some of the best platforms to earn money online without investment are EarnKaro, Fiverr, Amazon, and Upwork.

What is the best profitable part-time business to start online without investment?

Some of the best profitable part-time businesses to start online without investment are affiliate marketing, selling homemade items, dropshipping, print-on-demand, virtual event planning, and social media management.

What are the best apps for online earning without investment?

Some of the best apps for online earning without investment are EarnKaro, Google opinion rewards, Taskbucks, Swagbucks, and Roz Dhan.

Can I earn money online without investment?

Yes, you can earn money online without investment. Here are some of the ways you can do it:
1. Freelancing
2. Blogging
3. YouTube
4. Selling products or services
5. Taking online surveys
6. Microtasks

What are the best ways to earn money online without investment in India?

1. Affiliate Marketing
2. Earn Money By Clicking Ads
3. Content writing
4. Online Survey Jobs
5. Online Tutoring Jobs
6. Online Proofreading jobs
7. YouTube
8. Selling on Social Media
9. Freelancing
10. Captcha solver

What are the risks involved in earning money online?

Like any other venture, making money online involves certain risks. These risks can include scams, fraudulent opportunities, or financial investments that don’t yield the desired results.

How to earn ₹1000 per day without investment in online apps?

1. Become a Subject Matter Expert.
2. Affiliate Marketing.
3. Fill out Online Surveys.
4. Data Entry.
5. Enter the Domain Game.
6. Start a YouTube Channel.
7. Sell Online Courses.
8. Start Online Lessons.

Also, check out some other ways to earn money:

Shailesh Thakran
Shailesh Thakran holds 7 years of experience in Affiliate marketing, Content & SEO. He graduated from the Ambedkar DSEU Shakarpur Campus-I 2015 in Instrumentation & Control Engineering. He is involved in different organizations/startups in structural, design and content marketing efforts. His special interests include Blogging & Automobiles. When not working, he likes cycling, gardening and reading.


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